Global Prospects is a unique Washington-based consulting firm, with broad experience helping clients seize opportunities and manage risks in the global economy. Specializing in government affairs, international trade and technology, the Global Prospects team is objective driven and committed to achieving concrete bottom line results for all the clients we serve.

Whether they are well-established multinational companies, foreign governments, trade associations or emerging small- and medium-sized businesses, Global Prospects’ clients receive the highest quality, personalized attention possible. Our president, Jay Sweeney, plays a hands-on role in developing targeted strategies to address clients’ policy priorities, whether those concerns are focused in Washington or elsewhere around the world.

Global Prospects’ approach to problem solving is holistic in that we seek to develop comprehensive approaches to managing policy issues that involve a range of tactics aimed at achieving our clients’ objectives. We work closely with our clients to analyze and fine-tune their policy priorities, and once our clients’ goals are clearly identified, we are tireless advocates who judge success solely on tangible achievements.

This philosophy helps Global Prospects provide our clients with the highest quality services at a justifiable price. Major multinational, cutting-edge small business, national government, NGO or anything in between, those who turn to Global Prospects for their consulting needs receive top value for the dollar in Washington.


Jay Sweeney is the founder and president of Global Prospects LLC and is an expert on a full range of government affairs, international trade and economic and political issues. Mr. Sweeney is well-versed in the interplay between the U.S. Congress, the White House and the international diplomatic community. For over 25 years, he has been helping clients address a full range of policy priorities in Washington and in capitols around the world.

Photo of Me

Prior to creating Global Prospects, Mr. Sweeney served as a private-sector consultant for some of Washington’s most respected international trade and government affairs consulting firms. Mr. Sweeney has served clients operating in a variety of business sectors, including agriculture, biotechnology, consumer products, financial services, health care, information technology and the textile and apparel industry. He has also worked with foreign governments on projects that cut across a range of public and private sector issues.

Published in top Washington periodicals such as the Legal Times’ Tech Counsel magazine, Mr. Sweeney has presented on a global stage on a broad range of issues related to international trade and government affairs. He has extensive economic and investment experience in Asia and speaks Mandarin Chinese. He has lived and worked in Taipei, Taiwan and maintains a wealth of personal and professional contacts in the Asia Pacific region, Latin America and Europe.

Mr. Sweeney holds a Bachelors degree from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, a Masters degree in East Asian Studies from Georgetown University and is a former Visiting Fellow at Taiwan’s National Cheng Chih University.


Global Prospects provides timely, in-depth analyses of policy initiatives that may impact client interests, including objective assessments of potential risks and opportunities presented by the global economy.

We develop comprehensive action plans for achieving client objectives in international trade negotiations, legislative initiatives before the U.S. Congress and federal and international regulatory rulemakings.

We are staunch advocates, pressing forward our clients’ interests in the U.S. Congress, the White House, at federal agencies and within multilateral organizations such as the U.N. and WTO.

Global Prospects is constantly on call to assess and address any threat to our clients’ operations and can quickly craft solutions to potential policy problems on both domestic and international levels.



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Washington, DC
Phone: +202.251.8387

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